
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This is my "Ode to Halloween" Digital Shadowbox.  

Credits for image components:
Courtney's Digiscrappin', Graphics Fairy, Raspberry Road, Friendly Scrap, Far Far Hill, Catmip Designs, Granny Art Fairy, Cajoline, Cozy Lavender, Outside the Box Design Studio, Pewter 7, Bekah Designs, Cinnamon Scraps, Itkupulli, Crazy Cat Creations, Publikado, Catnip Designs,  Holliwood Studios, Marta Van Eck, Johnson Creations, G & T Designs, Suruha, Chickie, Digicat's Designs, and Farrah's Designer Scraps.   (If I forgot any, please forgive me.  If you let me know, I'll fix the credits.)


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sentimental Posies-Scrap Matters Oct. 2013 Colour Challenge Free Kit

I created a free kit for you using the Scrap Matters Oct. Colour Challenge Palette for inspiration.    The colors made me think of vintage ephemera and flowers so I designed around those elements.

You can view all of the Scrapmatters Colour Challenge entries here. If you like this kit, please leave a comment.  I really appreciate feedback.  Watch for another freebie November 1.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Pink

The challenge at IA this week was "Pink" in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness.   October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Most of us know someone who has fought this terrible disease, and more and more and more women are beating it thanks to mammograms, self-exams, and increased awareness.  So, take good care of yourself!  You deserve it. 
I just couldn't resist making a pink mermaid.  

Credits for image components:
Raspberry Road, Far Far Hill, TLC, Friendly Scrap, Curly Headed Monsters Designs, Manuela Zimmerman, Joyce Paul, Publikado, Brenda's Scrap Design, CloDesign, LJS Digital Designs, THD (TrishHDesigns), and Kit Kat Scraps.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Faces

The challenge at IA this week was all about faces. 
Deann, from Whimsy Asylum, said, "They say the face is the map of the soul but how many beautiful faces camouflage a false heart and how many of the homely bare honest scars of pain and sorrow?  I have often wondered if I had been born with a different face would I have become a different person?" That's such an interesting question.
I immediately thought of the song by Janice Ian and imspiration came to me.  Deann often uses song lyrics to add another dimension to her awesome digital collages so I decided to emulate her and print the lyrics below.  I've also added a link to the song on You Tube.

At Seventeen
I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
In high school girls with clear skinned smiles
Who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
Were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth
And those of us with ravaged faces
Lacking in the social graces
Desperately remained at home
Inventing lovers on the phone
Who called to say come dance with me
And murmured vague obscenities
It isn't all it seems
At seventeen
A brown eyed girl in hand me downs
Whose name I never could pronounce
Said, pity please the ones who serve
They only get what they deserve
And the rich relationed hometown queen
Married into what she needs
A guarantee of company
And haven for the elderly
Remember those who win the game
Lose the love they sought to gain
In debentures of quality
And dubious integrity
Their small town eyes will gape at you
in dull surprise when payment due
Exceeds accounts received
At seventeen
To those of us who knew the pain
Of valentines that never came
And those whose names were never called
When choosing sides for basketball
It was long ago and far away
The world was younger than today
And dreams were all they gave for free
To ugly duckling girls like me
We all play the game and when we dare
To cheat ourselves at solitaire
Inventing lovers on the phone
Repenting other lives unknown
That call and say, come dance with me
And murmur vague obscenities
At ugly girls like me
At seventeen.
Listen to it here.

Credits for image components:
Far Far Hill, Raspberry Road, Outside the Box Design Studios, ZaZa/Scrap and Tubes, Craft Button Designs, Miriam's Scraps, Crazy Cat Creations, Book Lady Designs, Designs by Brigit, Lilas DigiScrap, Queen Bee Scraps, and Bee Creations.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Dia de los Muertos

Over at Inspiration Avenue this week, our challenge was to create an image around The Day of the Dead.  I've lived in Southern California for over 20 years and I have to admit that this holiday seemed a little bit morbid to me at first.  In Mexico, people celebrate their deceased friends and family on Dia de los Muertos.  There are some great links on our IA blog, as well as the other entries for this week's challenge.  I'd encourage you to check them out here.
My image was made with bright and colorful accents that I hope are true to the feeling of the holiday.  Dia de los Muertos is not a sad time.  It's a time of happiness and celebration where one can honor those loved ones who have passed away.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pixel Scrapper October 2013 Blog Train-Thankful

Pixel Scrapper is hosting a fabulous blog train this month.  The theme is "Thankful" and the color palette is really beautiful!  I was inspired by thoughts of autumn and Thanksgiving and my love of fall foliage.  The fruits of the season were also on my mind.  There is so much to be thankful for, including the fantastic free downloads everyone created around this theme.  I made a mini-kit and an extra set of ephemera-inspired elements.  You can download them below.

What I love the most about the Pixel Scrapper blog trains is that you can mix and match the components that you like from a wide variety of kits.  If you like my designs, please take a moment to leave a comment.  I really appreciate it when people leave some feedback.  Please sign up to follow my blog if you like what I'm creating.  Thank you for stopping by!  Enjoy.

Click here to return to Pixel Scrapper's list of blog train participants or use this list.
Pixel Scrapper
Brooke Gazarek (blog)
Brooke Gazarek (Facebook)
Dhariana Scraps
Jiovanna's Creations
Lyllah Raven Designs
Harriett Humphries
Harriett Humphries Add-On
The Emily Files
Made by Holly Wood
Craft Bliss
Simply Sharilynn
EmJay Scraps
Studio Linda Renee
LadyBug Designs
Citrus and Mint
The Magnolia Patch
Timber Scraps
Creations by Samantha
Bits O'Scrap
Becky's Creations
Art of Nadia
Art of Nadia extras
DigiTee Designs
Brandi's Creations
Andene Sailors
Little Big Designs
Just Saskia
Janet Scott Design (Facebook)
Arizona Girl
Misplaced Mermaid  You are here
Whispy Willow Lane
Honey and Cheese
Mersija's Majestic Designs
This and That
Sara's Creative Adventures
Creatively Obsessed (Facebook)
Playful Peanut Studio
Muckel Makes