
Friday, March 30, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Stormy Weather

This may look like a simple storm photograph but it is really a composite of 6 different photos of storms with some trees and clouds added just for fun.  The threat of a violent tornado can leave one feeling very small and insignificant, especially when the only place to hide in the house is the bathtub.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

So Artful Challenge-Spring Blue, Green, Pink

I love spring!  In Southern California, spring comes at odd intervals.  I had narcissus blooming in January.  My iris, tulips, and lilacs are budded right now.  The wisteria is in full bloom and has  been blooming for weeks.  I remember living in cold climates and seeing the first crocus bursting through the snow, signaling the coming of spring.  I once visited Shiloh, Tennessee and saw daffodils blooming in February.  I remember thinking how beautiful they were and wishing my own were in bloom back in Missouri.  Here is S. Cal. we don't have a distinct difference between seasons but it's clearly spring when all of my flowers are bursting with color.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Take a Word Challenge-Hats

I wanted to make a beautiful Easter bonnet full of flowers and I still just might do that.  This hat challenge brought out my sense of humor.  Have you ever had something that you felt was absolutely gorgeous, only to wear it and worry that others disapproved of it?  Today, wear something outrageous and dare the others to pucker up their faces in opposition.  Remember, it's not your face that's going to get stuck like that.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Collage Obsessions Challenge-White

My colorful botanical collage inspired me to try one with all white flowers.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Digitalmania Challenge-Botanical Art Journal

After some major computer glitches, I was finally accepted into a wonderful group of digital artists on flickr.  This is the image I posted for my first challenge. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday Postcard Challenge-Green

I've been working on this postcard since Sunday.  As it turns out, we lost a dear friend that day.  We didn't realize he'd passed away until today.  I guess that's why the mermaid is crying. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Vintage Photography

I posted a photo a couple of days back that I made 30 years ago.  It seemed to fit the challenge but I hesitated to use it as my entry.  I thought it would be appropriate for me to work with it in a different way so I would have a fresh approach to the new challenge.  My entry is entitled "Ghost Door."  It was really outside the box for me and I truly appreciate any feedback you can provide.  Technical feedback is also welcome.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Three Muses Challenge-One Beautiful Thing

I pondered this challenge all week.  At first, I resisted choosing a single subject.  There are so many beautiful things in the world, how could I just choose one?  I woke up at 4 a.m. today, thinking about this challenge.  I realized I didn't have to choose the BEST beautiful thing.  I simply had to make an image about one of them.  I considered illustrating a concept or a word, like Hope, but got lost in the details.  I thought about beautiful creatures, like butterflies and birds.  Somehow, my thoughts went to the California Condor.  In 1987 there were less than thirty of these majestic birds left on the planet.  While some may not feel that this bird is beautiful, I beg to differ.  This California Condor is my single beautiful thing for today.  I've inserted a link to the public domain image.

You can view the other entries here:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Door

This is a photo I made over 20 years ago in Seattle.  I scanned it today and am working on altering it digitally.  It's one of my favorite photos so I'm finding it hard to get outside the box and add to it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So Artful Challenge-Harlequin B/W Collage

I just completed this collage.  I had to learn some new things with Photoshop to do the simplest tasks, like draw a line.  In researching the topic I learned that there are many living things with the title of Harlequin.  The Harlequin Sweetlips  is also called a clown fish.  The flowers growing voluntarily in my driveway are Harlequin flowers.  I never could remember the scientific name but I think this one will stick.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Don't Forget to Wear Green on St. Patrick's Day

I am going to post this collage on the Collage Obsessions Challenge as well as the Take a Word Challenge.  Green is my favorite color and it just so happens that it looks good on me.  Too bad orange is the hot new color for 2012 but, oh well.  (Does my hair color qualify?)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Snail Mail

The challenge for Inspiration Avenue this week prompted me to create an image about my feelings for snail mail.   I had no idea that this topic would bring up such sad feelings.  I created some composites of images to use as ideas several days ago then set them aside.  Today, I couldn’t locate them.  I finally decided to start over.  In doing so, I realized I lost the first draft for a reason.

The people in the photograph are my aunt, my mother,  my paternal grandmother, and me.  We posed for a group portrait after my father’s sudden death.  The only person still living is me.

The postcard and other images represent mail from those family members.   I miss the notes from Aunt Betty.  She always had to write endings up above because she ran out of room.  My mom usually picked out and signed the cards she and my father sent.  My grandmother sent me birthday cards for my entire life, up until she died at the age of 99.   Though she died less than a week before my birthday, she had already chosen my birthday card.

I miss the cards, arriving in the mail around my birthday and holidays.  I miss  choosing and sending  special cards to my family for special events.  I miss seeing the handwriting on the envelopes, the stamps, and the letters.  But most of all, I miss those people and their physical presence in my life.

View all of the wonderful entries at

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Collage Obsessions Challenge-Leaves

To celebrate the diversity of Mother Nature's many beautiful leaves, I've created a whimsical collage showing freshwater mermaids in all of their glory, basking by a cool stream.