
Friday, March 16, 2012

Three Muses Challenge-One Beautiful Thing

I pondered this challenge all week.  At first, I resisted choosing a single subject.  There are so many beautiful things in the world, how could I just choose one?  I woke up at 4 a.m. today, thinking about this challenge.  I realized I didn't have to choose the BEST beautiful thing.  I simply had to make an image about one of them.  I considered illustrating a concept or a word, like Hope, but got lost in the details.  I thought about beautiful creatures, like butterflies and birds.  Somehow, my thoughts went to the California Condor.  In 1987 there were less than thirty of these majestic birds left on the planet.  While some may not feel that this bird is beautiful, I beg to differ.  This California Condor is my single beautiful thing for today.  I've inserted a link to the public domain image.

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