
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Frida Kahlo

I've always been fascinated by Frida Kahlo's work.  Her self portraits were what I was most familiar with.  I especially am drawn to the animals and the botanical components in her images.  I looked at many more paintings and was fascinated with the varied subject matter.  There were several that represented her love for Diego Rivera.  Some others relayed great pain and loss.  The still life paintings of fruit and birds were also compelling.

I played with two self-portraits of hers and added my own features.  I wasn't sure if this would be disrespectful but I decided that it was not.  Her work is beautiful and her appearance is very different from mine.  One thing I felt I needed to add were eyebrows.  No imitation of a Frida Kahlo self portrait could be eyebrow-free.

I came upon a quote which I liked very much.

I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling. 
Frida Kahlo

Credits for elements-Far Far Hill, Linda Lou Creations, Cajoline, Tigroune, Dover, LieN-DC


  1. What a glorious piece of digital art and self portrait. I agree about the eyebrows! I think it shows a lot of respect to make this lovely piece to honor Frida.

  2. Very unique! I agree, no portrait of Frida (or her look-alikes! :)
    would be complete without the eyebrows!

  3. A wonderful representation of Frida and your connection with her- you made it your own- great job!

  4. What a great idea, Lou Ann!
    And you look beautiful...

  5. I love this! There's a bit of the passion of Frida in all of us! I also prefer her self portraits with the animals and botanicals. The other ones are just so painful.

  6. Great idea to mingle Frida and yourself into a portrait inspired design. Great for this week's theme. And fab quote that leaves me thinking/musing.

    Kat :-)

  7. Great idea, very creative, original and brave! Love the eyebrows! :))

  8. Great entry. I really like that quote too.

  9. Ha, this is great! How perfectly imaginative. Very clever. You made me smile.

  10. this is a great idea!! love 'em :)

  11. Welcome Lou Ann to IA and love your take on Frida for this challenge!!
    So creative!


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