
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Take a Word Challenge-Eggs

I couldn't complete this challenge without playing with some fun vintage postcards.  Credits for the shared postcards go to Cajoline and Far Far Hill.


  1. It is nice to meet you, Lou Anne. Thank you for commenting on my artpiece. I love your presentation for the theme, as well...gorgeous and beautifully created. I joined your followers list and invite you to join me as well. Look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Hugs, Gayle.

  2. So cute! Love the rooster pulling the cart. LOL

  3. Wouaouh!
    Well done!
    It looks at first time like a real old postcard!

  4. This is really wonderful! Truly vintage!

  5. I love the colorful vintage cards- this is a beauty!

  6. such a cute one! happy easter to you!

  7. Hi Lou Anne,
    I'm going to try an enter the egg challenge too! Your entry is so sweet. I was so glad to see your application in the backroom of Inspiration Avenue when I checked in a few minutes ago. I rushed over to say I'm crossing my fingers for you, I'm on your side, it would be such fun to have you in the group!
    Talk to you later, hope to see you in APR this week, I'll be doing the next week's challenge in IA too! (hint... think leafy, lol.)
    Jenn of
    (Inspiration Avenue Member)

  8. That's a very pretty piece...


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