
Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Artist's Playroom-Bookmark

My friend, Jenn, from Inspiration Avenue was a great help to me with my mermaid challenge.  Her challenge over at The Artist's Playroom was to create a bookmark.  Of course I had to tie it in with mermaids.

The wonderful thing about all of the ladies at Inspiration Avenue is that they provide encouragement and support for each other.   I know that there will be someone to help whenever I have a question.  I also know that I have my own group of cheerleaders, each one a talented artist herself, prompting me to stretch myself artistically.

When I began teaching, the practice of modeling for the students was a key element.  It meant showing each piece of a new type of learning and giving explicit examples to the children.  As a mentor teacher, I learned how important it is to model effective instructional practices for other teachers.  I learned so much from having others model for me too.  That's one reason why being part of this group of artists is so special.  They are all truly an inspiration to me, through their art and through their actions.


  1. Not only a beautiful bookmark but a lovely post. I, too, feel the wonderful support from all you great women. Thanks for participating this week, Lou Anne. And doing your challenge this week made me stretch a little and I always surprise myself when I do that!!
    Hugs my friend,

  2. Beautiful bookmark! There is just nothing more calming than the sea!
    I feel just like I am peeking in their world ~* Really nice!!!!


  3. Lovely little splash of the sea. Bookmarks are fun to make aren't they?


  4. Your bookmark is so beautiful Lou Anne. I love the colours...all very calming which is just what you want when reading.
    It's my first visit to the Artist Playroom which maybe with hindsight I shouldn't have done, but as you mentioned everyone is so supportive and encouraging...a very special group of people indeed.
    You might like to see my tropical fish silk painting because my bookmark didn't really show what I can do...he was just fun.
    I enjoyed my visit but need to have a look at all you're other amazing artwork!

  5. I adore this bookmark, such a beautiful piece. I am a mad sea person, so you had me straight away.

  6. I love your bookmark and I agree, it's lovely to have such a wonderful support staff of artists! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)


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