
Friday, May 18, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Sacred Heart

Hettienne presented a beautiful challenge to us this week. She commented that the challenge from last week, "Hands", came straight from the heart.  When our actions come from our hearts, we are connected through love.   I joined the group while Hettienne was traveling, but I took the opportunity to look at her imagery in both her Etsy shop and her blog and noticed a strong connection with religious shrines and "sacred art."  I think that's why I chose these images for my collage.  I am drawn to visual symbols of faith that people collect.  Lately, I've also been inspired to create some of these images.  I plan to begin working on some small shrines of my own.  Thank you, Hettienne, for sharing your art and yourself with all of us.


  1. Wow, these sacred hearts are lovely. I am very impressed. I was trying to determine how you made this collage, and really like it. At first, I was sure it was digital, then saw you used the word collage. So now I'm not sure. Whichever, I sure like it.

  2. This is a lovely combination of beautiful and quirky elements, I could look at it for ages!

  3. Thank you Lou Anne for such a lovely getting to know each other here! I am very inspired by iconography of different faiths and I think that as an artist it is my greatest challenge to interpret these icons in my own personal way and you did this splendidly in your rendition of sacred heart - just up my alley. love to you Hettienne

  4. This rocks!!!Love the images you chose. Very beautiful!

  5. Just stunning and very meaningful to me. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love this!!!! visually beautiful and inspiring!

    Thanks for sharing it!!!

  7. have great talent & your piece is visually calming, twas a great theme for a challenge...Mel :)
    Thanks for popping by to say hello...

  8. a gorgeous, thoughtful, deeply felt piece... just beautifil :)


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