
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine Freebies

I was just looking at my latest copy of Cloth, Paper, Scissors and found a fun project for making two different mermaid collages.   The cool thing is that the artwork is provided for you.  They've got all kinds of free stuff.  If you're like me, you love those freebies.   I've learned a lot from their site.
Mermaid Pictures

I also found a free e-book on art journal techniques so I downloaded that too.  Here's the link for it.
Free E-Book on Art Journals 
I've been wanting to do some art journaling and it seems like this might just be the right time.

So go collect your own free stuff.  Whether you're into felting, mixed media, or beading techniques you can find some fun projects to try. 

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