
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Wishes

Jennifer challenged us this week to think about wishes.  I tried first to think of something I wished for and there really wasn't anything I could think of.  I'd like to take a trip to Kauai again, but I will do that eventually.   It would be fun to go to Bora Bora and stay in a hut on the ocean, looking at fish through a glass floor.  Millions of dollars wouldn't go to waste, if I were to have a sudden windfall or lotto win.  But most of what I'd wish for, I could probably achieve with some effort.  The truth is, I'm pretty happy with my life. I don't have to go to work every day, I have a husband who is my soulmate, and I am making images.  Life is wonderful.

I didn't want to make a post about wishing for a specific thing so I looked at some quotes on the internet.  Vincent Van Gogh said, "I wish they would only take me as I am."  That one touched me deeply and I couldn't agree more.  So much of who we are is hidden, sometimes even from ourselves. Perhaps the reason I make images is to delve deeper into the core of who I am.  Since you can't control what others see, I settled on a quote by Socrates that seemed to answer the wish Van Gogh made.  Socrates said, "Be as you wish to seem."  That's what my collage is about.


  1. Lovely picture, "I wish they would only take me as I am." is something I agree on... for everyone. The world is so competetive now for all of us.

  2. Lovely quote and art, LouAnne!

  3. I think Vincent knew how to ponder. And I think Socrates knew how to guide and direct. What powerful men you thought of when making your art. This is an absolutely adorable collage.

  4. Beautiful art and the words too !

  5. I LOVE this collage Lou Anne, right up my alley. thanks for your submission, you sure did better than I did on your school's out challenge. Sowwies. :o(

  6. Love your submission and the quote. I had to laugh at your words about winning the lottery! Being true to yourself is so important.
    Everyday, I am striving to be as good as my dog!! :)


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