
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Teapot

Shelly challenged us to create art with a teapot theme this week.  The Graphics Fairy gave me the original clip art of the teapot but I modified it. 


  1. OH I E THIS THE COLORS AND THE SEA theme so cool and so you!!!

  2. WOW My comment above spose to say OH I LOVE THIS

  3. my words exactly Shel, "WOW" this is wonderful & i love Lou Anne, how you combined your mermaids with the teapot!! totally delightful and unexpected! :D

  4. lovely contribution to the IA theme! so much detail!

  5. Love the mermaids' tea party! And so much to explore down there on the ocean floor. Beautiful!

  6. Wow, Lou Anne. This is one impressive teapot. I totally appreciate all the details you added in this under-the-sea beauty.

  7. This is so awesome. I love what you did with it. I am such a lover of the ocean and all aquatic things. I can just imagine your teapot at the bottom being admired and treasured by mermaids and fairies of the sea!


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