
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fairies are Fantastic, Friendly, and Fabulous!

I just looked over at Inspiration Avenue and saw a group of truly fantastic, friendly, and fabulous fairies.  They came from all over the world!  (You can go see them yourself)
click on the link and scroll down until you see them

And if that's not enough excitement for you, make sure you make a note to come to  our Fabulous Fairies' Tea Blog Party!  I'm giving you the big invitation so you can put it in a prominent place.  I'll see you later this week with some more Facts about Fairies.



  1. Hi Lou Anne at a wonderful lineup of fairies you have!! Enough to inspire me - see you at the Fairies Tea!!

  2. Hi stopping by from Inspiration Ave, come by for a little puddin n pie


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