
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-If you could be anywhere...

My wonderful IA sister, Diane, posed the challenge this week.  She prompted us to show where we would be, if we could be anywhere.  I decided that it would be wonderful to be somewhere like the Pacific Northwest, in a meadow at the center of a forest.   I'd sit there and watch for fairies.  It's amazing how many you'll see, if only you sit and wait very quietly.

Credits for image components:  Pewter 7, Courtney's Digiscrappin', Imagenes fotosvintagegratis, Carena, Far Far Hill, and Cajoline.


  1. Hey there Lou Anne! Oh this piece is perfectly delightful! You have so many interesting little surprises to see in it! So glad you entered this weeks challenge!! ((Big Hug))! :)

  2. How sweet!! I would like to be in that prett woodland also.

  3. Lovely - looks like a nice a6 happy place to be...

  4. Where else could one possibly want to be other than in a Pacific Northwest forest? Very nice.


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