
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mermaid Play Date

Today I made a Mermaid Secret Garden image.

There are lots of credits for components of this image.
Dover Publications, Pewter 7, Granny Art, A Richards-Seaside Holiday, Eena's Creations-Beyond the Seashore, Raspberry Road, Linda Lou, ddpaper, mwpaper, and Finecrafted Designs


Friday, September 28, 2012

A Few More Fairies

Well that Fairies' Tea Blog Party was lots of fun!  I can't seem to get fairies off of my mind.  I found a couple of pictures that I would have included if I'd just gotten them earlier.

These two images were shared by The Vintage Moth. 
You can use this link to go to her blog for more pictures.
Click Here

This one is a fairy queen shared by The Graphics Fairy.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Inspiration Avenue's Giveaway-Winner

Well, the Fairies' Tea is done.  All the fairies and their friends are headed home.

You might remember that the names of each person who participated in the Fairies' Tea with a blog post on September 23 would be entered in our IA Giveaway.
Here's what Misplaced Mermaid was giving away.
The winner is Wendy, from Bliss Angels!

If you haven't already seen all of the wonderful blogs that participated in our tea, please take a moment to visit.  It's well worth it!
Her Grace by Devata
The Fanciful Magpie
Angelia's Art Journals
The Expressive Palette
Misplaced Mermaid
Denise's Delights in her Coffeeberry Cottage
The Shop Around the Corner
Jessica Sporn & To the Moon Designs
Bliss Angels
Puddin n Pie
Lady Amethyst Misty Moon
An English Witchery
Falling Ladies

By the way, if you left a comment yesterday and signed up to follow my blog you're entitled to a free digital fairy ATC sheet.  If you did not received it, please email me.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fairies Tea Blog Party

Finally the day has arrived!  It's time to celebrate!
I've had the hardest time making decisions about this party!

When it came to dishes, I just couldn't choose one china pattern.  
My little friend, Lilliana of the Lilies said, "Must we choose only one?"
If I hadn't had Lilliana's help, I think I'd be using styrofoam cups.

I must confess that deciding on the treats nearly sent me into a tizzy.  Fortunately, my fairy friend Fern helped me narrow it down to nine pastries.  Do you think the mermaids will find it offensive that there are shoe shaped cookies?  They don't have any feet, you know.

I had the hardest time selecting the musical pieces for the fairy fest.  
Finally, I settled on two of my favorites.  I know the musicians will have more music to share.  Please, come in and join the fun.  Take a seat wherever you like.
You must not forget to download your special party favor before you leave.  
And do sign up to follow my blog.  If you are signed up as a follower and
you leave a comment you'll receive another special digital gift.

Fairy ATC Sheet-To receive an email of this Fairy Digital ATC Sheet you must be signed up to follow this blog.  Please make sure your email address is included in your comment and indicate that you would like to receive the freebie. (This offer ends Monday, Sept. 24.)

Thank you for joining in our Inspiration Avenue Fairies' Tea Blog Party!
Click here to return to Inspiration Avenue

The Fairies' Tea Party links are all listed below!  I hope you visit all of them.
The Fairies’ Tea Party Participants

Her Grace by Devata
The Fanciful Magpie
Angelia's Art Journals
The Expressive Palette
Misplaced Mermaid
Denise's Delights in her Coffeeberry Cottage
The Shop Around the Corner
Jessica Sporn & To the Moon Designs
Bliss Angels
Puddin n Pie
Lady Amethyst Misty Moon
An English Witchery
Falling Ladies


Fun Facts about Places Fairies Frequent

 Fairies are fairly fearless when it comes to finding magical places to play.
Fairy Caves
They just love to visit waterfalls too!
Fairy Falls
Fairy Glen Waterfall in Penmaenmawr, Wales

Did you know that fairies also fancy fungus? 

Now we come to the directions for the 
Fabulous Fairies' Tea Blog Party!

First, you must find the Fairy Bridge.  Just look for the signs.

When you find the Fairy Bridge, 
follow the fairies all the way across.

 Now you will come to a path.
 Follow the path through to the Fairies' Wood.
Once you come to the Fairy Footpath, you'll know you're almost there!
Fun, friends, and fantasy will be waiting for you at the end of the Fairy Footpath.  You can almost see the party being set up at the end of the trail.  See you there!  Don't forget to bring your friends, or even your family, as long as they are friendly.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun Facts about Fairies and a Fall Freebie!

 Fairies fancy frolicking in fall!  It's the beginning of autumn and the tree fairies are flying frantically as they prepare for the Fairies' Tea.
 These fairies can't wait for the party.  They're bringing some of the decorations for the table.
One little fairy was found fluttering over some fungus.  I should think we won't take a chance on tasting those mushrooms.
I have yet another wonderful free fairy collage sheet.  These musicians and dancers are rehearsing for the shindig on September 23 and it's clear that fall is in the air.

On the day of the Fairies' Tea Blog Party, there will be another free collage sheet.  I'll also have a special surprise for everyone who visits my blog that day, leaves a comment, and signs up (or is already signed up) to follow me.  I can't tell you what the surprise is but it's full of fairies, that's for sure.  See you later!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Facts about Fairies-Methods of Transportation

How do fairies get from one place to another?  Here are some images that will help answer that question. 

Riding butterflies is possibly the preferred mode of travel for many fairies.   This seems to be true whether the fairy has its own wings or not.

 Fairies may ride a single butterfly, or they might use a team of these creatures, using reins to control their movement, much as people have used horses.
 A fairy can also ride safely and comfortably on the back of a flying bat.   These nocturnal mammals are usually only available at night, so fairies depend upon them for evening activities.
Some fairies use water transportation.  This one is riding in an empty seashell.  Mermaids often use this mode of travel.
Of course, most mermaids ride from place to place on a fish.
This wingless fairy rides upon a turtle's back.  She must not be in a hurry.
Other fairies may ride winged horses. 
If a fairy is tiny enough, it might just jump into your hand and ask to be carried away.
 Sadly, this blonde fairy fits the stereotype that plagues human blondes.  While she attempts to ride a toad stool, two elves kindly point out that she could get there a lot faster on an actual toad.
As my blogging friend over at Ephemera's Vintage Garden points out, however you choose to travel, "Sometimes you just gotta ride it out."  That's exactly what any self respecting sea fairy does.

The good news is, you don't need to provide much space for parking if you're participating in the Fairies' Tea Blog Party.  Fairy vehicles are pretty compact.


Monday, September 17, 2012

No Rain, No Rainbows

This is the land of rainbows.  I don't think I've ever been here when I haven't seen a rainbow.  In fact, we often see double rainbows.  And they're not just portions of a rainbow-the entire rainbow is usually visible.

My husband took this photo of a double rainbow, as well as the other pictures in this post, near Glass Beach, one of my favorite places on Kauai.   At the end of this rainbow, there is no pot of gold.  Instead, there is a red dirt cliff imbedded with vintage garbage.  You can't see the garbage anymore.  It's been decades since people brought their trash here to burn next to the ocean.  What you can see is beach glass.  The sand itself is made of tiny pieces of polished glass.  When the sun shines on it, it's quite beautiful.  When I walk along the beach here, I look for little remnants of glistening jewels.  Each one that I discover is as valuable as a diamond to me.

As I prepare to leave this lovely island, I cannot help but feel sad.  It's more than just a vacation place for me.  I have come here many times to renew my soul.  I used to visit Kauai to recover from a year at a stressful job but this time it was different.  This time, we came to heal after losing three cats. Tabbytha, Buggles, and Leonard died within the past nine months.  We had nursed them for over a year, knowing that the end was inevitable.  The reason that we were free to leave home for ten days is due to the fact that all three have passed away.

There's a phrase I live by.  No rain, no rainbows.  It seems so true in every part of life.  Without the rain, there wouldn't be majestic colors in the sky.  Without the garbage, there would be no beach glass.  Of course, without the wonderful moments of sharing our lives with people and animals we love, there would be no grief.  But I wouldn't want to trade those happy experiences for anything, even though I know that there will be loss attached.

I'm flying home today.  When I arrive in Southern California, I'll try to remember that you wouldn't have any rainbows if it wasn't for the rain.  Aloha!
