
Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun Facts about Fairies and a Fall Freebie!

 Fairies fancy frolicking in fall!  It's the beginning of autumn and the tree fairies are flying frantically as they prepare for the Fairies' Tea.
 These fairies can't wait for the party.  They're bringing some of the decorations for the table.
One little fairy was found fluttering over some fungus.  I should think we won't take a chance on tasting those mushrooms.
I have yet another wonderful free fairy collage sheet.  These musicians and dancers are rehearsing for the shindig on September 23 and it's clear that fall is in the air.

On the day of the Fairies' Tea Blog Party, there will be another free collage sheet.  I'll also have a special surprise for everyone who visits my blog that day, leaves a comment, and signs up (or is already signed up) to follow me.  I can't tell you what the surprise is but it's full of fairies, that's for sure.  See you later!



  1. I thought I was a follower of your blog already! I must have been seeing you on the IA blog roll and thought you were on mine! Does this mean I am on Inspiration Avenue too much? I can't wait for the Fairies Tea!

  2. Oh such fun! I have shared my preparations for the Tea Party on - please visit tonight before the witching hour and let's have tea tomorrow!!

  3. Love your post Lou Anne! I just did another post last night... nearing the Fairy hour!
    See you tomorrow!



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