
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Day in Paradise

This was our last day in Kauai.  At this point, we're both feeling sorry for ourselves.  This is such a wonderful place to be.  I didn't see any mermaids, or at least I couldn't confirm they were mermaids.  I did get some viewable photos of a few fishy friends though.  If you've ever tried to take underwater pictures, you'll understand my excitement.  So often I get either a portion of a head or a tail.  These are actual fish I could identify.

Left-Christmas Wrasse  Center-Raccoon Butterflyfish

Foreground left to right-Saddleback Butterflyfish, Orangeback Surgeonfish, and White Goatfish (We call him Spot).
Center w/stripes are Hawaiian Sergeants.  The big grey guy refused to identify himself but is possibly a Brown Chub.  Spot's little sister, Dot, is off to the right.  Aloha!


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