
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days of Pink

My friend Kim, from IMgirl, invited other artists to post pink images during the month of October to support Breast Cancer Awareness.  I guess that mammogram I got last week was very timely, since October is dedicated to this cause.  I designed a digital quilt to honor all breast cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones.   My friend, Marla, passed away after a long battle with breast cancer.  My grandmother passed away at 99 after a long life, having survived breast cancer for over 30 years.  I encourage all women to ask their doctors about breast cancer prevention.

Visit Kim's Lovely Blog Here

Credits for image components:  Granny Enchanted, Miriam Scraps, Aneczkaw, Far Far hill, and Just So Scrappy.



  1. Lou Anne, this is beautiful and such a lovely way to remember your friend in support of a Cure for Breast Cancer. I too lost a friend from Breast Cancer and another from ovarian Cancer. No doubt with continued support, one day a cure will come!

    Thank you Lou Anne for your beautiful post for women everywhere!!


  2. This is a beautiful quilt! It seems everyone either knows someone who has had breast cancer or has had it herself/himself (men also can be afflicted.) My mother and her sister are breast cancer survivors.


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