
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I had a lot of fun creating this.  It started when I purchased some collage sheets from Rian's Designs(  Her freebies site, Freubel's Freebies, is on my sidebar.

Credits for image components:
Rian Designs, Cajoline(, Carena(, Linda Lou Creations (, and APD (

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Trick or Treat?

I couldn't resist the Halloween aspect of the challenge this week.  I created an adult version of a Halloween party with three lovely trick-or-treaters.  I had loads of fun creating these beauties.  You might want to look at the large version.  There are some details you might miss otherwise.

Credits for image components:
Friendly Scraps, Cajoline, Far Far Hill, Annie's 4 Corners, Sky, Raspberry Road, and Forbidden. 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Seasons

Diane challenged us this week with creating an image about our favorite season.  I've always loved autumn.   Growing up in the midwest and living in New England for a couple of years showed me autumn's true potential.  Since living in Southern California for the past 22 years, I haven't been able to experience what I think of as a true fall.  Still, I love the brief glimpses of leaves changing color.   I guess it's a compromise living here with pseudo fall but the benefit is that I do have a tangerine tree.    Once spring comes and I catch the whiff of orange blossoms in the wind I'll forget all about autumn.

Click here to see the other entries


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Collage Obsessions Challenge-Witches

The Collage Obsessions challenge this week is Witches.  I just happened to have this wonderful photo that I had turned into a group of 4 witches.  When I created it, I had so much fun playing with the images, fiddling around with the hats, and trying to capture that "Altered Art" mood I've seen in so many fun pictures.  See the other entries here

By the way, our Etsy team, Inspiration Avenue, is looking to recruit new members.  
Find out more here 

Credits for the components of this image:
The portrait came from Wackystuff on flickr
The hats were found with google
The frame came from Raspberry Road "HallowsEve" elements kit


Friday, October 12, 2012

Pink Again?

I've started working on a set of prayer cards.  This fits right in with the "31 Days of Pink" theme which was created to draw attention to the need for a cure to breast cancer.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days of Pink-Breast Cancer Awareness

Men should be delighted that they don't need annual mammograms.   
Do you think they know how lucky they are?  
I found this on Flickr in WackyStuff's photostream here.

But seriously, I had my mammogram and got an "all clear" notice.  
Have you had yours?  If not, talk to your doctor.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Inspiration Avenue-Orange Challenge

Maggie challenged us with creating an image using orange.  I made this perfume label ATC and put it with some others on a digital collage sheet over the weekend.  You can see all three sheets on yesterday's post.  Here's one more with more orange tones.
The digital collage sheets are available for purchase in my Etsy shop here


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Vintage French Perfume Labels

October is a month of 31 days and my friend Kim over at IMgirl is celebrating with 31 Days of Pink.  It's not just her favorite color!  She's dedicated the month to pink posts because she wants to increase awareness about breast cancer.  I created a special Pink Perfume Digital Collage Sheet to post in October.  It was so much fun, I had to create two more French Perfume Digital Collage Sheets. 

These collage sheets, and more are available for $3.00 each at my Etsy shop


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Inspiration Avenue-Roses

With October being a month to pay close attention to the fight for a cure to breast cancer, pink is the color I wanted to use.  The challenge over at Inspiration Avenue this week was Roses.  My grandmother, who was a survivor of breast cancer, loved pink roses.  Need I say more?


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days of Pink

My friend Kim, from IMgirl, invited other artists to post pink images during the month of October to support Breast Cancer Awareness.  I guess that mammogram I got last week was very timely, since October is dedicated to this cause.  I designed a digital quilt to honor all breast cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones.   My friend, Marla, passed away after a long battle with breast cancer.  My grandmother passed away at 99 after a long life, having survived breast cancer for over 30 years.  I encourage all women to ask their doctors about breast cancer prevention.

Visit Kim's Lovely Blog Here

Credits for image components:  Granny Enchanted, Miriam Scraps, Aneczkaw, Far Far hill, and Just So Scrappy.


Monday, October 1, 2012

New Digital Collage Sheet

I have a wonderful new digital collage sheet in my Etsy Shop.  I'd love to know what you think!