
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-What Blesses You?

Diane, from Inspiration Avenue, challenged us to make an image about what we feel blessed by.  I feel blessed by so many different things it was difficult to focus on just one.  I thought about my husband and friends, my home, flowers, trees, water, my pets, laughter, music, and freedom to live my life the way I choose.  Then I went to fill up a glass with ice cubes from the ice maker and our kitten, Merlin, sat below the refrigerator and looked up at me with anticipation.  I took one of the ice cubes, skidded it across the floor, and watched Merlin chase after it, bat it around for awhile, then rest for a moment with the ice cube hugged between his arms.  He didn't rest long.  He slid around the kitchen and dining room, smacking the ice like a hockey puck.  There's nothing better than watching a kitten play.



  1. It's funny isn't it that it is the smallest things that make us feel the most blessed! Love the quotes you chose x

  2. Hey Lou Anne LOVED this post!! i love felines and miss not having one, and you captured the fun and delight of them so perfectly in your post!! :D

  3. Lovely post and yes, it is great watching a kitten play! Great illustration too... i like the quotes (especially the funny one) and the artwork.

  4. I didn't get a chance to enter this challenge, but if I did my entry would definitely have a cat in it. Cats are so special, and I love the image you created!


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