
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Poppies

My IA friend Nancy challenged us to create an image about poppies this week.    I collected some lovely poppy images and started to think about creating a beautiful and simple digital collage.  My muse, however, had a different idea.  I couldn't shake the thoughts of the 60,000 + troops serving our country in Afghanistan.  President Obama's timeline was to bring them all back by the end of 2014.  That seems so far away to me.  I made this image and thought how awesome it would be if the president could change the timeline so that the longest war in American history could end sooner.

Today, President Obama announced his plan to begin bringing troops home this spring.  It was the best news I've had in a long time.  I don't personally have a family member fighting over there but every person in the armed forces is there for me.   They're fighting for my country and I am cheering for their safe return home. 



  1. Lovely work inspired by such an important issue!

  2. Powerful image!
    For me this says it all.
    We all need to let our voices be heard, each in our own way, to get our soldiers out of harm's way and home. NOW!
    Thanks, Lou, I'm proud of you for doing this and proud to be your husband.

  3. Both beautiful and thought provoking.

  4. Beautiful poppy photo! and I agree; great news to bring troops home!

  5. What an inspiring entry for poppies. One picture (yours) conveys it all. So many lost, so many fighting. Thank you for putting this together.

    Let's get them home, agreed.


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