
Monday, May 13, 2013

Pixel Scrapper Challenges-Elements

For the past two weeks, I've been learning how to make different elements for an "Element a Day" challenge over at Pixel Scrapper.  The first week, we made a bracket, flower, frame, tag, ribbon, flair, button, or brad, and stitching.  Some were new for me.  Some were not.  Thanks to some great tutorials, I completed the list of elements.

The second week included corners, a border, metal, glitter, tape, a journal card, and a photo mask. 
When I tried the mask on a picture, I was really excited about the way it looked.  The cool thing is that the black area is where the picture shows through.  I think there is some magic in this.
If you love to play around with digital images you should definitely check out the Pixel Scrapper site.  Not only will you get lots of free scrapbooking elements to work with, you can also connect with others who love digital scrapbooking.  There are also tutorials and challenges that can help you to increase your skills.  I'm learning to create different digital components to use in my art and I love the connection to art journaling.   Here's the link.

My plan is to create some sort of kit at the end of this, so you can expect a freebie with lots of mermaid-ian elements.  (Yes, I made that word up.)   You had to have guessed that my elements would somehow tie into mermaids, didn't you? 


  1. I've decided that 'mermaidian' is my new favourite word.
    Love the images!

  2. Thank you Jenn. I think it's a great word too.


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