
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Almost a Self Portrait

If I had a gypsy caravan, I might decorate it like this.  The cat, of course, would be a full time resident.  Wouldn't it be lovely if we could wear orchids for clothing?  Starting tomorrow at Inspiration Avenue, we're having a great co-host who will challenge us with a topic related to clothing.  I can't wait!

Credits for Image Components:
Pink Lotty Designs, J. Baechtold, Creative Elegance, Nothing But Freebies, Angel Baby Scraps, Farrah's Designer Scraps, Studio Emka, and Far Far Hill.


  1. Life is always so much brighter when we surround ourselves with flowers, and how fabulous to be dressed in orchids. The orchid in your hair is the finishing touch. I love your beautiful image.

  2. Dressed in orchids? What a great idea! I think I'd like to have one of those myself!


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