
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Art Journal Challenge-Journal Journeys Route 2

Do you love being challenged to create something that has meaning?  I know I do.  Do you love getting digital freebies to enhance your work?  If you do, then you'll want to check out the newest venture by Altered Amanda at Outside the Box Studios!  It's a collaboration with Digiscrap Addicts.  We're already on week two but it's not too late to join in the fun.  

This challenge takes place over four weeks.  It's all about creating meaningful art journal pages.  This time, the prompt was to "let your page reflect some positive steps toward your new venture."  You can see the written post here. 

I absolutely love getting free goodies for my image making, but I'm finding that there's an added benefit to me personally.  I'm really considering what I can do to advance my artistic abilities and include more collaboration with other artists.  I hope you'll take a closer look.

Credits for image components:
Amanda K. (Outside the Box Studios), 2 CHM, Bits n Bobs, Far Far Hill, 2chm,  Digicats (and Dogs), and Moonlight Journey



  1. This is gorgeous, Tracy! I had a bit of a time with a layout, but, I got it done. LOL


  2. Looking forward to continue the journal journey - one down 3 to go!


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