
Monday, August 5, 2013

Journal Journeys Route 3-No Rain, No Rainbows

Altered Amanda from Outside the Box Studios asked, "What heats you up, in a good way? Gets you jazzed? What colors do you associate with that? What soothes you? Is it an activity? A person? A food? All of the above?"  She pointed out the beauty of contrast. If you never had sadness, would you recognize happiness?  These ends of the spectrum help to create our "Life's Rainbow."

I thought about a quote I saw on a T-Shirt in Kauai.   It might sound strange but that T-shirt had a profound effect on my outlook in life.  "No rainbows." It occurred to me that, without rain, there would also be few flowers.  So there it was.

Credits for image components:
Outside the Box Studios-Journal Journeys Pack 1 and 2,  Oddities and Antiquities, R Intention, and Shoes by Rebecca B. (Publikado)
Fonts-You Wish You Were a Shirley and Teenage Girl
Brushes-Getting Painty (Cluster Queen Creations)



  1. Love this Lou Anne! I hope I never have to say,
    "I remember once when I saw a rainbow"....

  2. now there's a philosophy worth sharing!


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