
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Joy

We've been busy over at Inspiration Avenue.  Today is the deadline for signing up for our fun Altered Postcard Swap so I hope you hurry over to sign up.  Just click on the button in my right sidebar.

This week, Shel challenged us to create an image about Joy.  There are so many things that bring joy to my life.  For this challenge, I decided to use a quote by Edna St. Vincent Millay.  "Beauty is whatever brings joy," is the quote.  I love the idea that there is that possibility of beauty in all things.  I must admit I went a little crazy with that idea and created a digital collage that illustrates some of the joy I feel in experiencing the beauty of each day.
I suppose I used the door to suggest that joy cannot be expressed in one image.  
I'd love to hear about the joy in your life, if you care to leave a comment.

Credits for Image Components:
Raspberry Road, Maya DeGroot, KeyLime Digi Design, Friendly Scrap, BazzaDaRambler (Flickr), Cajoline, Aneczkaw, D. Bailey, Stampgram, BB Blooming Backyard, Holliewood, Sky, Prairie Song Scraps, Paprika, Pixie Treasures, NLD, Angelle Design, Amy's Design, and Crafty Buttons


  1. Beautiful collage image and lovely meaning behind it. This art made me smile and bringing me joy - thanks. Great for this week's IA challenge.

    Kat :-)

    1. Thank you for your nice comments. I'm so glad I made you feel good.

  2. The quote is great - I will "steal" that for my quote collection. It is true, isn't it? I love your image, especially those teal doors. Very beautiful collage - I'm sure you felt joy while creating it.

    1. Feel free to steal away! Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

  3. Lovely composition, it says "joy" to me as well. I want to do the whimsical Victorian botanical type themes but do not know how... any tips are gladly taken because your layering and mixed media techniques really look well put together!

  4. The Challenge to open doors ... overwhelmed by beauty, I believe Love follows all who seek the Beautiful Souls. LL


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