
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Inspiration Avenue Weekly Challenge-Using Words to Inspire your Art

Over at Inspiration Avenue this week I challenged people to use words to inspire their art.  It's always inspiring for me to add quotes from famous people, as long as I find the one that piques my interest.  This is the front and back of one of my favorites.
The original piece was made on a 4x4 inch piece of museum board.  I used some images from a kit by Tumblefish Studios.  I was fascinated by the way the heads on the images were larger than the bodies.  It's so frustrating to me that our society is always trying to make women feel like they need to be smaller, thinner, lighter, etc.  I got the idea, then worked to relay it artistically.  The woman I created it for wanted something vintage but really liked humor.  I must say it was a piece that made me laugh while I was working on it.  You can't ask for much more than that!  Thanks for stopping by.  You can see the other entries here.


  1. Hey lady! Just sending you some hugs! Love your latest arty awesomeness and look forward to seeing more. Hope your looking after yourself? love and hugs from Shroo & The COlonel :)xxx

  2. Just a follow up thank you - your 'Show & Tell' on Inspiration Avenue allowed me to do a link up. I'm uber happy - been wanting to join in for a while but I'm useless at following challenges, being a whim-based, easily distracted mentalist as I am! I hope you're ok - sending you a MASSIVE hug from me and The Colonel - Shroo :)xxx


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