
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Artist's Playroom Challenge-Rainbow

Jenn challenged us to make an image with rainbow colors.  I decided to construct a rainbow with seven layers for each color.  Once I made the design, I wanted to spread it out in an arch, like a rainbow.  Little did I know that Photoshop Elements doesn't have an easy way to draw a curved line.  I researched it and did a lot of trial and error.  When I finished, I felt like I hadn't created any great masterpiece.  I had, however, given myself some fun and a challenge.  Overall, the fun won out.  I guess my inner child got to play on the computer.  Thank you Jenn, for encouraging fun and experimentation in art.


  1. you may not claim it as beautiful art, but it's MY challenge and I say it is!! I love your rainbow, it's really creative. Thanks Lou Anne for participating and supporting my APR, it's totally appreciated. See you at IA, hopefully I'll get you as a swap partner!

  2. Wow..this is a fabulous feast for the eyes..such color-magic..beautiful and blissful!!

  3. WOW!!! what a lot of work you put into that....and the colour is so rich...great Job!


  4. Oooh your inner child got to play! That's always a great thing. I LOVE what you came up with and it looks pretty darn amazing. ;), Happy APR! Warmly, Tracy

  5. Very beautiful. I also wish I knew how to do a curve or circle cut-out in Adobe shop Elements. I wanted to crop out around a recent circle Zentangle design I did. I know this is mixed media collage? i can't figure out what all the little flower shapes are?? did you have to cut out all the different little angels? Amazing!!


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