
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Collage Arts 4x4 Swap

I signed up to participate in a 4x4 collage swap with my Collage Stuff group.  I was insecure about my work, but wanted to begin sharing with other artists.  As a bonus, I will receive a special collage made just for me every month for a year!  I received my first collage yesterday and it was awesome!  The artist emailed me to notify me that it had shipped and sent a photo, which I'm including here.  I could tell I loved it but couldn't see all of the details.  Today, she send me a detailed description of her process and I made mental notes of her techniques so I could visit them later with my own work.  Thank you again Lori!

1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful collage she sent and how special it is with the mermaid on it just for you! :)
    How did she make it? can you share?? :)


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