Jennifer challenged us this week to think about wishes. I tried first to think of something I wished for and there really wasn't anything I could think of. I'd like to take a trip to Kauai again, but I will do that eventually. It would be fun to go to Bora Bora and stay in a hut on the ocean, looking at fish through a glass floor. Millions of dollars wouldn't go to waste, if I were to have a sudden windfall or lotto win. But most of what I'd wish for, I could probably achieve with some effort. The truth is, I'm pretty happy with my life. I don't have to go to work every day, I have a husband who is my soulmate, and I am making images. Life is wonderful.

I didn't want to make a post about wishing for a specific thing so I looked at some quotes on the internet. Vincent Van Gogh said, "I wish they would only take me as I am." That one touched me deeply and I couldn't agree more. So much of who we are is hidden, sometimes even from ourselves. Perhaps the reason I make images is to delve deeper into the core of who I am. Since you can't control what others see, I settled on a quote by Socrates that seemed to answer the wish Van Gogh made. Socrates said, "Be as you wish to seem." That's what my collage is about.