Autumn is my favorite season. I've always loved the way the deciduous trees' leaves change color, then fall off the trees. I love the way it feels to take a walk on a crisp autumn day. At Inspiration Avenue this week Shel challenged us to share something with the colors of fall. I made a digital collage that illustrates the unique fall experience I've had since I moved to Southern California.
Don't get me wrong. There a some things I love about fall here. It can be pretty warm during the day but the nights are usually cool. We have trees here that bloom in gorgeous pink flowers during the fall and that isn't the only blooming tree. For all of us who love autumn, there's a nice selection of trees that change color. There are just fewer of them than can be seen east of here and there is an awful lot of brown foliage.

Don't get me wrong. There a some things I love about fall here. It can be pretty warm during the day but the nights are usually cool. We have trees here that bloom in gorgeous pink flowers during the fall and that isn't the only blooming tree. For all of us who love autumn, there's a nice selection of trees that change color. There are just fewer of them than can be seen east of here and there is an awful lot of brown foliage.