
Friday, May 31, 2013

Pixel Scrapper June 2013 Blog Train-Pond Life

Pixel Scrapper is having another fun blog train.  This time, we chose the theme of Pond Life.  I couldn't resist this one since I love nature and the outdoors.  It brought back memories of frogs, tadpoles, ducks, swans, dragonflies, water get the idea.  My papers and elements are drawn from photographs and vintage artwork.  I hope you like it!  Be sure to visit each blog so you get all of the freebies.  If you can leave me some feedback, I'll greatly appreciate it.  And please sign up to follow my blog if you like what I create. 
Download my parts of the kit at the links below.  I divided it into two  groups because of the size. 

If you had trouble with my Google Drive link, please try the Sugar Sync link below.
Alternate link for elements

Once you download my parts, you'll want to hop back over to PixelScrapper for the other links.  


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Retro

Over at Inspiration Avenue this week, Maggie proposed that we create something that was reminiscent of the 1950's and 60's.  "Retro" and "Mid-Century" are two adjectives that take me back to my childhood.  I can hardly believe that my favorite songs while growing up are now "Oldies."  That just seems wrong to me!  Still, there's no denying it.  I was born during that time.  Even though my favorite toys are now considered vintage, I am glad that I'm not an antique yet!  (Or am I?)

I started with a cute little picture of little girls posing at the beach (above) and then found some great advertisements and pin up girls in swim suits.  It evolved into a collage filled with images that reference those years for me. The cute little girls never made it into the finished collage.  I hope this taps a few memories for you.  (Of course there's a mermaid!  How could I leave her out?)
I hope you'll pop over to IA to see the other retro images.  Here's the link.  Retro Time Machine

Monday, May 20, 2013

Alopecia Areata Awareness Blog Train

Alopecia Areata is a condition in which a person loses hair from some or all areas of their body.  It usually occurs on the scalp.  This blog train is dedicated to raising people's awareness of this condition.

As a child, I grew up with thick, wavy, sometimes unruly red hair.  I always felt like a misfit.  I never realized how lucky I was.  Everyone wants to fit in, especially when they are young.  As I thought about what to design for this project, butterflies and metamorphosis came to mind.  I believe that life is a beautiful thing, even in its many variations.  I hoped to share that idea through my work.

These previews show my contribution to the blog train.

All of the stops are listed below. 

  • Leterati Artful Scraps
  • Touched By A Butterfly
  • Patty B Scraps
  • Sugarbutt Designs
  • Mandog Scraps
  • Shuckclod’s Stuff
  • Princess Mahi
  • Mama’s Designz
  • ABCreations
  • Yez Designs
  • Jenny’s Designz
  • Cindy’s Tags & Tuts
  • The Maltese Scrapper
  • Queenies Signatures N Kits
  • Dakota Winds Graphics
  • Crazy Tiffs
  • Dillie’s Designs
  • Becky’s Creations
  • Aprilthescrapaholic
  • Misplaced Mermaid --You are Here
  • EmJay Scraps
  • Callaluna Creations
  • Kreations By Sparky
  • Crafting With Jack
  • Shirly Ann's Download
  • Dezines 2 Amaze (bonus site)

  • If you'd like to know more about this condition, visit the  

    And please sign up to follow my blog if you like my work. 
    I'll be joining another blog train so watch for it on June 1. 


    Thursday, May 16, 2013

    Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Sad Girl with Flowers in Her Hair

    Over at Inspiration Avenue, Kim challenged us with creating an image around a truly unique theme.  She calls it, "Sad Girls With Flowers in Their Hair."  At first, I was unsure about the whole idea.  It seemed more specific than most of our themes.  As I began to think about it, I realized that lots of people were enthusiastic about it and many said they were eager to create something around it.  I can't resist placing flowers in my images so my muse got to work.  It wasn't until I found a cavalcade of textures and backgrounds on Ruby Blossom's Flickr page that I was truly ready to compose my image.   Thank you Kim for thinking outside the box once again, and for inspiring us to create art.

    I also have a wonderful website to tell you about.  The artist is Kirsty Mitchell and she's created a beautiful body of work entitled "Wonderland."  You've got to visit the site and see the images for yourself.   Her work took my breath away.   You'll see why her work is so appropriate for our theme this week.  Once you read the story of how she created this beautiful portfolio, you'll probably be both inspired and overwhelmed.  Please go take a look as a treat to yourself.  Her work is filled with colorful texture and beauty.  I know I'll return there again and again, just to soak up the beauty.
    Here is the link. Enjoy.

    Credits for Image Components:
    Cajoline, Aneczkaw, Raspberry Road Designs, Far Far Hill, Ruby Blossom, Linda Lou Creations, Scrappiness Down Under, Granny Art Fairy, Lilas Summer Day, Lavender Designs, Janet's Digital Joys, Elo Designs, Paprika, Bee's Creations, Far Far Hill, BNB (Bits n Bobs)

    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Pixel Scrapper Challenges-Elements

    For the past two weeks, I've been learning how to make different elements for an "Element a Day" challenge over at Pixel Scrapper.  The first week, we made a bracket, flower, frame, tag, ribbon, flair, button, or brad, and stitching.  Some were new for me.  Some were not.  Thanks to some great tutorials, I completed the list of elements.

    The second week included corners, a border, metal, glitter, tape, a journal card, and a photo mask. 
    When I tried the mask on a picture, I was really excited about the way it looked.  The cool thing is that the black area is where the picture shows through.  I think there is some magic in this.
    If you love to play around with digital images you should definitely check out the Pixel Scrapper site.  Not only will you get lots of free scrapbooking elements to work with, you can also connect with others who love digital scrapbooking.  There are also tutorials and challenges that can help you to increase your skills.  I'm learning to create different digital components to use in my art and I love the connection to art journaling.   Here's the link.

    My plan is to create some sort of kit at the end of this, so you can expect a freebie with lots of mermaid-ian elements.  (Yes, I made that word up.)   You had to have guessed that my elements would somehow tie into mermaids, didn't you? 

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Talk to the Animals-Digital Scrapbooking Kit and Freebie

    The Talk to the Animals Digital Scrapbooking Kit was created after Molly Harbridge learned of a terrible situation in her community.  The Animal Protection League discovered 150 dead farm animals and 100 more in dire need of human intervention.  The result was evident when the 100 surviving animals were rescued and placed in foster homes.  This project was created to support this cause. 

    This fabulous kit contains over 55 papers, 120 elements, 2 alphas, 7 quick pages, 21 journal cards, and 2 clusters.  In addition to all that, you'll receive a coupon for $5 off at Mollyscraps.   All of this is available for a minimum $10 donation.   I was proud to be one of the contributors to the kit.

    Donate here 

    Once you've made your donation, email your receipt to:

    Even if you're not into digital scrapbooking, please consider visiting this site and making a donation.  Thank you for visiting today!  Here's a freebie I made to use with the kit. 


    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    Celebrate May Day in Style!

    This little daffodil girl has some flowers that seem ready to share for May Day.    The picture came from a wonderful blog that you can visit here.  Carolyn, from Antique Images, shares her many beautiful vintage treasures and has some delightful images that are perfect for Mother's Day. 

    When I was a little girl, I made May baskets and delivered them to neighbors.  My mother was the one who taught me about this charming tradition.  Later, when I started teaching in Seattle, my first graders made beautiful May baskets using fresh flowers and empty strawberry baskets.  We went on a field trip to a local nursing home so the children could give the baskets to elderly residents.  It was one of my fondest memories from my student teaching experience.  Read about the tradition here.

    I made this 4x4 image for a garden swap at Alphastamps.  Once I discovered the magic of glitter glue, I realized I just couldn't go back.  The dancers seem to be celebrating May Day.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful flower-filled May Day today!  If you don't receive a surprise May basket on your doorstep, there's no shame in making one of your own. 
