
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Myths

Niina, our newest member, hosted the challenge this week.  She challenged us with creating an image about mythology.   In her introduction, she mentioned mermaids and the lost city of Atlantis, and that was all I needed! 
I played with the idea of a scuba diver coming upon the lost city of Atlantis.

Image components created by:
Eena's Creation-Beyond the Seashore, Finecrafted Designs-Mermaids, Mr. Whiskers-Sea


  1. This totally gets my vote for awesomeness! Mermaids and Atlantis?Fabulous! This lovely image is so serene and magical - I totally love it ! Best wishes, Shroo:)she

    1. Thank you Rachael. I think you love mermaids as much as I do!

  2. This looks gorgeus Lou Anne. I like the statue of Neptune/Poseideon and the mermaid. Scuba diver must be schoked:) Lovely entry -Niina


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