
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More Freebies-Diabetes Awareness Digi Blog Train

The Diabetes Awareness Blog Train is ready to go!

Not only do I have a close friend with diabetes, I also have a dog, Chester, who needs insulin injections every day.  It's not easy, monitoring my dog's medication and making sure he eats the right amount of his special diet at the right times of day.  At only 4 years old, Chester was diagnosed with diabetes.  He quickly developed cataracts in both eyes.  Doctors were able to perform surgery and remove the cataracts on one eye so Chester now has the ability to see again.  Sadly, one eye had a detached retina and couldn't be fixed.  Still, animals and people adapt very well to vision in one eye and Chester can keep up with the rest of the dogs.

Diabetes can be very difficult to deal with.  It's the kind of disease that is controlled rather than cured.  You can read about it here at the American Diabetes Association.

I always appreciate it when someone stops to leave a comment.  Your feedback is important to me, and I love to hear that you like my work.  I'm working on growing my blog, so I'd enjoy having you as a follower too! 

Here are the rest of the stops.

FB Queen JJ Creations
Lizzy QX Design
Marniejo’s House Of Scraps
Shuckclod’s Stuff
KJD Designs
Dea’s Design
Xelax Scrap Free
Ann’s Scrapbook Heaven
Caroline B.
Arte 4 Amore
Timber Scraps
Damsel Designs
Misplaced Mermaid
Becky’s Creations
Dakota Winds Graphics



  1. I like you part of the train, thanks for sharing. Glad your dog has you to take care of him as some people wouldn't take the time.

  2. I joined your site. Maybe you could stop by and join mine. I have only had my digital blog up for a few weeks so I don't have any followers yet. Hope you are my first.

    1. Hi Karen. Thanks for following my blog. I did the same at yours.

  3. Extra special thank you! -mom of a type 1 daughter

    1. You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the free goodies.

  4. Amazing job! Thank you for sharing! :)

  5. Loved your contribution to this blogtrain. My favorite was your sugarfree paper. Really cute and different. Thanks a bunch.

  6. I like the bold and cherry way you design. Thanks for sharing. wm

  7. Chester has officially stolen my heart. Good for you taking such good care of him!

  8. Thank you for this lovely part of the blog train.

  9. Oh, poor pooch!! At least he has a caring owner :) Thank you for your wonderful contribution to this month's blog train .. I adored the colour scheme this month, and you used it very well!

  10. A great cause! Poor Chester, like others have said he's so lucky to have you. I love the black and red (one of my favorite combos) and the ornate designs of your kit. The Digi Blog Train is such a cool idea!

  11. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Also, thank you for sharing your kit with us.

  12. Thank you for your wonderful designs. Your papers for this kit have such wonderful patterns - wow! I also appreciated your story of how diabetes has affected your beloved dog. My beloved GodDaughter has type 1 diabetes, which she has suffered since she was just 11 years old. She is now 24 years old, and she has suffered so many additional health problems related to the diabetes. She is a very brave and determined young woman now, but she has already been through so much in her short years. I appreciate the amazing awareness work by the Awareness Digi Blog Train, and have started following their work. Thank you so much for your participation in the Awareness work.

  13. Thanks for the nice mini kit looking forward to looking at it....


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