
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Christmas Memories?

At Inspiration Avenue this week our challenge was to create an image about Christmas.  I started with a border or presents across the bottom of the page.  My intent was to make something that had a happy feeling.  But as it progressed, it took on a different tone.  I'll leave it to the viewer to decide what type of feeling it evokes, or if it even causes them to feel anything.
I'd love to have your feedback on this.  And if you are someone who celebrates Christmas, I hope that most of your memories of the holiday are happy ones.

Credits for image components:
ADB Designs, Cajoline, Caroline Bouteller, Clementine Digitals, Cozy Lavender Designs, Digitee Designs, Forever Joy Designs, Hidden Vintage Studios, Manu Scraps, Nath L, Raspberry Road, Russian Dutch Heart, Samal Designs, Timberline Scraps, Touched by a Butterfly, and Trixie Scraps.


  1. My, those girls loved dolls! Or did they?
    I love how you have the traditional happy images of Christmas, but the girls actually have a somber look and some of the dolls are not so cuddly. I think almost everyone's Christmas childhood memories are mixed, but (in my view anyway) we tend to block out the bad and choose to remember the happy times. Ha, in my mind Santa always brought me what I wanted, but I know it can't have always been the case :) Great job, Lou Anne!

    1. Maggie, the insights you share are always so powerful for me! I once worked in retail and got a real view of how mixed one's feelings can be at Christmas. So many people are just glad when it's over. I miss my family at this time of year, yet I know that my happy memories will live on. Unfortunately, the not so happy ones creep in as well but that seems to be the case for a lot of people. Thank you so much for your positive comments! They mean the world to me.

  2. I love your post - not only for the gorgeous art, but also for your honesty that's wrapped up in everything you do. I LOVE Christmas, but I stress about it so SO much. I think I am trying to re-live the Christmases I had as a child, probably beause I miss my family so much. I celebrate Yule now which brings me more peace, then Christmas with mum. I still stress about finishing gifts for her though! Don't think that will ever change! Wouldn't miss it for the world though. Thank you so much for sharing another beautiful piece of art, and for your support on my blog this year too. Hope you have the BEST of all things this Christmas with happiness and success in all your endeavours in the coming year - hugs from Shroo:)x

  3. Thank you Rachael! I was a little bit unsure about this one but shared it anyway. Your comments really reinforce the idea I was trying to capture. I'm sure your mum loves everything you do and it's wonderful that you can celebrate Christmas with her. I'd like to learn more about Yule. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and looking forward to your lovely art in the coming year!


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