
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Remembering the Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut December 14, 2012

For many families in Newtown, Connecticut Christmas will never be the same.  On December 14 of last year a gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and brutally killed 26 innocent people.  Six of the victims were adults and the other 20 were young children.  People all over America rallied to support changes in gun legislation but so far, little has changed.  
According to there have been approximately 33,373 gun deaths in the U.S. since the Newtown shooting.  Although many of us believe that stricter gun laws are necessary, it is clear to me that American citizens have neglected to lobby their legislators in numbers that will make a difference.  As voters, it is our moral obligation to make our demands for sane gun laws clear to our politicians.  I encourage you to contact your representatives to share your views on this issue.  While many fear that their second Amendment rights will be compromised with stricter gun laws, I find it hard to believe that universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons will be crippling to anyone.  Please consider your own feelings about this issue, then contact your members of the Senate and House of Representatives.  We can work together to help prevent another massacre of innocent kids.  For information on how to do this click on this link Americans for Responsible Solutions.  And please feel free to share this on Facebook, Twitter, or your own blog.

Credits for Image Components:
Pewter 7 (Angel Statues) and Albums to Remember (Paper)



  1. I completely agree with you in every aspect. Bravo to you for writing about this controversial issue on your blog!

    1. Thank you Carola. I hope you'll share the information.


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