
Friday, December 13, 2013

Trimming the Tree

Yesterday a friend helped me trim the Christmas tree.  I have a fiber optic tree that lights up in a beautiful array of colors.  To that we added glittery butterflies, birds, and flowers.  Some might call it tacky but we think it's gorgeous! 

Since I was inspired by tree-trimming and I've downloaded all kinds of Christmas images, I made an image that captures my fun memories of Christmas' past.  When I was a kid, we  were always allowed to help decorate the tree.  My mother, who was an artist, never corrected me while I was placing ornaments in clumps all around the tree at a certain height.  I'm sure she rearranged a few when I wasn't looking but I never knew it at the time.
It was always fun to put ornaments on the tree, and never as much fun to put them away.

Credits for Image Components:
Nette's Night Owl Works, EMS Arts, Forever Joy Designs, Brooke Gazarek, Mandy's Lovable Designs, Jenn Reed, Crafty Button Designs, ADB Designs, and Louise Franks Designs.

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