
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Grow Your Blog Giveaway Winner Announcement

First, I wanted to thank all of the people who visited me from the "Grow Your Blog Party."  I haven't visited all of the blogs I want to visit yet but I will definitely visit everyone who came to see me at Misplaced Mermaid.  I realized yesterday that I was late with the announcement of my giveaway winner.

I visited, typed in all of the names of visitors, and allowed it to generate a random list for me.  The first person on that list is the winner...and that person is Birgit from Germany.  Congratulations Brigit!  You are the winner of one of my digital collage sheets in my Etsy Shop.  Just visit my shop then let me know which one you would like to have.  I'll send it as a jpg to your email address.  Thank you again to everyone who visited and commented!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lou Anne,

    What a lovely surprise -- thanks so much! I have already sent you an email. :)


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