
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Inspiration Avenue Weekly Challenge-Change

When I chose the topic for this week's challenge at Inspiration Avenue, I realized that the only thing I could choose was "Change."  It seems like the most challenging opportunities for change occur whether we want them to or not.  I selected some quotes and images that I felt illustrated the challenge but I saved one for my digital collage.  You can view the post and the other entries here.
I really identified with all of the quotes I included but one seemed especially bittersweet.  

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.  Anatole France

Credits for image components:
AAD, Star Song Studio, Raspberry Road, Courtney's Digiscrappin, Aneczkaw, Anne Valerie, Benthai Creations, Publikado, Granny Art, Larry Wenk, and Digicats.


  1. A beautiful piece - I really like the colours - and such an insightful quote.

    1. Thank you Jackie! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

  2. THis is beautiful and subtle in its message, Lou Anne. Beautifully done!

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback Abby. I appreciate it very much!

  3. That's a very true quote. I love this and marvel that you've found a way to incorporate such vivid, bright colours when perhaps the quote would lead towards darker ones. There's sunshine beaming on you from somewhere, girlie. Sending you hugs from me and the Colonel xxxx - Shroo:)xxx

    1. Thank you Shroo! (And the Colonel.) I love what you see in my work. And I appreciate the idea of sunshine beaming from me! You're full of sunshine yourself!

  4. Me encantó tu blog. Fue un agradable paseo.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  5. This is just exquisite I adore the colors...the background and the pattern of her dress are amazing and all set off by the flowers...gorgeous work Lou Anne.


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