
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Inspiration Avenue Challenge-Joy to the World

At Inspiration Avenue, we're hosting a two week challenge to give people a chance to share their response to "Joy to the World" through their art.  Some are creating a new piece of art, while others are sharing something they've done during the past year.  I, of course, had to do both.  Two pieces that represent an expression of joy through art are posted on the IA blog.  There will be a link to that post below.  I also created something new.   I do hope you'll visit IA to see everyone's post.  
Many things about my digital art cause me to feel joy.  This piece combines only a few of those elements.  I've learned so much about creating digital art over the past year and it's always a pleasure to share it.  (If you haven't downloaded my freebies, visit my Freebies page and see if there's anything you'd like.  (It's at the top right of the blog)  You can hop over to Inspiration Avenue here.  

I hope the coming year brings joy to you in all of your endeavors.

Credits for image components:
Scrap World Magic, Patty B. Scraps, MBJ, Mary's Mixes, Marisa Lerin, K. Joss, Kimerick, Friendly Scrap, Far Far Hill, Donakat, Debra C., Designs by Brigit, Brandi White Designs, Butterflies and Bluebells, Anne Valerie, and Angel Baby Scraps.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Christmas Memories?

At Inspiration Avenue this week our challenge was to create an image about Christmas.  I started with a border or presents across the bottom of the page.  My intent was to make something that had a happy feeling.  But as it progressed, it took on a different tone.  I'll leave it to the viewer to decide what type of feeling it evokes, or if it even causes them to feel anything.
I'd love to have your feedback on this.  And if you are someone who celebrates Christmas, I hope that most of your memories of the holiday are happy ones.

Credits for image components:
ADB Designs, Cajoline, Caroline Bouteller, Clementine Digitals, Cozy Lavender Designs, Digitee Designs, Forever Joy Designs, Hidden Vintage Studios, Manu Scraps, Nath L, Raspberry Road, Russian Dutch Heart, Samal Designs, Timberline Scraps, Touched by a Butterfly, and Trixie Scraps.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Remembering the Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut December 14, 2012

For many families in Newtown, Connecticut Christmas will never be the same.  On December 14 of last year a gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and brutally killed 26 innocent people.  Six of the victims were adults and the other 20 were young children.  People all over America rallied to support changes in gun legislation but so far, little has changed.  
According to there have been approximately 33,373 gun deaths in the U.S. since the Newtown shooting.  Although many of us believe that stricter gun laws are necessary, it is clear to me that American citizens have neglected to lobby their legislators in numbers that will make a difference.  As voters, it is our moral obligation to make our demands for sane gun laws clear to our politicians.  I encourage you to contact your representatives to share your views on this issue.  While many fear that their second Amendment rights will be compromised with stricter gun laws, I find it hard to believe that universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons will be crippling to anyone.  Please consider your own feelings about this issue, then contact your members of the Senate and House of Representatives.  We can work together to help prevent another massacre of innocent kids.  For information on how to do this click on this link Americans for Responsible Solutions.  And please feel free to share this on Facebook, Twitter, or your own blog.

Credits for Image Components:
Pewter 7 (Angel Statues) and Albums to Remember (Paper)


Friday, December 13, 2013

Trimming the Tree

Yesterday a friend helped me trim the Christmas tree.  I have a fiber optic tree that lights up in a beautiful array of colors.  To that we added glittery butterflies, birds, and flowers.  Some might call it tacky but we think it's gorgeous! 

Since I was inspired by tree-trimming and I've downloaded all kinds of Christmas images, I made an image that captures my fun memories of Christmas' past.  When I was a kid, we  were always allowed to help decorate the tree.  My mother, who was an artist, never corrected me while I was placing ornaments in clumps all around the tree at a certain height.  I'm sure she rearranged a few when I wasn't looking but I never knew it at the time.
It was always fun to put ornaments on the tree, and never as much fun to put them away.

Credits for Image Components:
Nette's Night Owl Works, EMS Arts, Forever Joy Designs, Brooke Gazarek, Mandy's Lovable Designs, Jenn Reed, Crafty Button Designs, ADB Designs, and Louise Franks Designs.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Freebie-Christmas Critter Tags

I created a set of 8 Christmas Critter Tags for you.  They are each 5x7 inches.

These are available for personal use only.  Please read my terms of use.
And I'd love it if you'd leave a comment, or better yet, sign up to follow me.

Download here and enjoy!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

More from 2 Curly Headed Monsters

Well, I'm having way too much fun as a member of 2chmd creative team.  I love the layouts that everyone else makes and it's really inspiring to see what they create.  Christina, the designer, is always busy creating more kits that entice me to create art journal pages.  For me it's like having playtime with really awesome toys!  I'm loving it.  Here are two of my creations.  The kits both come from Nuthouse Scraps.  The name of the kit is noted below, with a link to her shop.

Be sure to check out the gallery if you stop by Nuthouse Scraps.  There's lots of inspiration there. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Exciting News!

I was just accepted as the newest creative team member for a wonderful designer!  Christina Rios is the designer for 2 Curly Headed Monsters Design Studio.  She makes fabulous digital scrapbooking kits that are perfect for art journaling, scrapbooking, and just plain fun-making!  I've admired her work from the first day that I saw it.  Her newest kit, "Dear Santa, I Can Explain," is full of glittery, grungy, sparkly fun vintage glamour.  Just check out the preview of this beautiful bundle.
As a CT member, I get to play with all of her wonderful kits. 
Hurry over to Nuthouse Scraps here to see the entire bundle! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pixel Scrapper is hosting a monthly blog hop now.  For December, we created kits on the theme of Winter Wonderland.  I made a mini-kit that I hope you'll like.
You can download my kit here.

This is the color palette we all had to work with.
I hope you'll stop and leave a comment for me.  I really appreciate any feedback you can provide.  If you're not a follower of my blog but you like my work and want to see more, please sign up to follow me.  Hop back over to Pixel Scrapper here to get all of the free and wonderful winter kits people created.  Thank you for visiting Misplaced Mermaid.

Until next time,
